Pharmacognostic and In-vitro Antioxidant Antimicrobial potentials of Jayanti Veda (Tridax procumbens L.)


  • Kashinath Hiremath
  • Jagadeesh D
  • Sneha B Patil
  • Veerkumar Japti
  • Sunil S Jalalpure
  • Kalpana S Patil



Tridax procumbens, DPPH, IZD, Quercetin, Ascorbic acid, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial assay


Ayurveda is one of the oldest holistic traditional systems of medicine. Tridax procumbens known as “Jayanti Veda” which is weed found throughout India. It shows number of pharmacological activities like Hepatoprotective, Anti-inflammatory, Wound healing, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Antidiabetic. The present study was carried out to evaluate antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of hydroalcoholic extract and fractions of Tridax procumbens in order to find possible sources for future novel pharmaceutical formulations. The plant material was subjected for extraction and the extract was further fractionated. Hydroalcoholic extract and fractions were analyzed for different phytocomponents. Fraction 2 was analyzed for phenolic content, Fraction 3 was analyzed for its antimicrobial activity. Fraction 4 was analyzed for its flavonoid content, and antioxidant potentials. The crude extract showed the presence of various phytocompounds whereas F1 contains lipids & waxes. F2 contains phenolics, terpenes & sterols. F3 contains alkaloids. F4 contains flavonoids. The total flavonoid contents of F4 was compared with crude extract (51.19±0.412 and 45±0.073 respectively), antioxidant activity of F4 was compared with crude extract (IC50 - 22.7795±0.8208 and 23.247±0.7344 respectively), total phenolic contents of F2 was compared with crude extract (82.24±0.871 and 47.43±0.37 respectively) and antimicrobial activity of F3 [IZD- 1.0cm- (S. aureus), 0.9cm (E.coli) and crude-0.6cm- (S, aureus), 0.5cm (E.coli)] Results were found significantly higher for all the fractions as compared to crude extract. The present results revealed that the Tridax procumbens acts as a powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial agent. 

Author Biographies

Kashinath Hiremath

Research Scholar, KLE College of Pharmacy Belagavi, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER), Belagavi. India. 


Jagadeesh D

Research Scholar, KLE College of Pharmacy Belagavi, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER), Belagavi. India.


Sneha B Patil

Assistant Professor, KLE College of Pharmacy, Belagavi, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER), Belagavi. India. 

Veerkumar Japti

Assistant Professor, KLE College of Pharmacy, Belagavi, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER), Belagavi.


Sunil S Jalalpure

Principal, KLE College of Pharmacy, Belagavi, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER), Belagavi. India. 

Kalpana S Patil

Professor, KLE College of Pharmacy, Belagavi, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER), Belagavi. India. 




How to Cite

Hiremath, K., D, J., Patil, S. B., Japti, V. ., Jalalpure, S. S. ., & Patil, K. S. (2022). Pharmacognostic and In-vitro Antioxidant Antimicrobial potentials of Jayanti Veda (Tridax procumbens L.). International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(3), 711–717.



Research Articles