Comparative clinical evaluation of Manjishta churna lepa and Jatiphala churna lepa in Vyanga (Melasma)


  • Madhuri Nivrutti Gavade
  • Ravin Sundarlal Chandak
  • Prashant Chandrakant Sarade
  • Deepali D Choudhari



Vyanga, Melasma, Vata, Pitta, Kshudra roga, MASI Score


Vyanga (Melasma) is condition of localized hypermelanosis which affect face, and continues to be challenging problem as it causes immense mental stress and depression. In ayurvedic texts there is lot of ahara, aushadha, and vihara which were mentioned to enhance external beauty such as varnya varg told by Acharya Charak, and romsanjanan etc told by Acharya Shushrut. Melasma can be correlated with Vyanga in Ayurveda. The present study was aimed to evaluate and compare the efficacy of Manjishtha churna lepa and Jatiphala churna lepa in the management of Vyanga with special reference to Melasma. After ethical clearance, 90 patients of Vyanga (Melasma) in OPD of Kayachikitsa department of SST’s  Ayurved Medical College, Sangamner, was selected and assigned randomly in Group A having 45 patients and Group B having 45 patients.Three criteria was assessed for this study-Dimension of affected skin area in, Fairness meter score, MASI Score. Student paired t test and Student unpaired t test statistical test was used. On Statistical analysis it was found that- 1) Manjishtha churna lepa is effective in the management of Vyanga (Group A). 2 ) Jatiphala churna lepa is effective in the management of Vyanga (Group B). 3) But, while comparing the Group A vs Group B, the Jatiphala churna lepa is more effective than the Manjishtha churna lepa.

Author Biographies

Madhuri Nivrutti Gavade

PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Sangam Sevabhavi Trust Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Research Center, Sangamner, Dist- Ahemadnagar. India.

Ravin Sundarlal Chandak

Professor, PG Guide and Principal, Department of Kayachikitsa, Sangam Sevabhavi Trust Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Research Center, Sangamner, Dist- Ahemadnagar. India.

Prashant Chandrakant Sarade

Associate Professor, Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga,  Sangam Sevabhavi Trust Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Research Center, Sangamner, Dist- Ahemadnagar. India.

Deepali D Choudhari

Professor, Department of Dravyagun Vidyanan, Sangam Sevabhavi Trust Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Research Center, Sangamner, Dist- Ahemadnagar. India.




How to Cite

Gavade, M. N., Chandak, R. S. ., Sarade, P. C. ., & Choudhari, D. D. (2022). Comparative clinical evaluation of Manjishta churna lepa and Jatiphala churna lepa in Vyanga (Melasma). International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(3), 651–656.



Research Articles