Randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of Eladi churna in the management of urdhwag amlapitta with special reference to GERD


  • Jagruti Pagare
  • Swati Soman




Urdhwag amlapitta, GERD, Eladi churna, Ama, Pitta


Amlapitta is one of the most common diseases seen in society. The word Amlapitta is made up of Amla and Pitta. Aacharya Kashyapa was the first person who described Amlapitta as a separate disease. Madhav Nidan, Bhavprakash, and Yogratnakara have also described it very well.The disease in which the sour quality of Pitta dosha aggravates and changes to extreme acidic sourness is called  Amlapitta. Amlapitta is Annavaha Strotas Vyadhi (gastrointestinal disease), which is caused due to Agnimandya and vitiations of Pachaka Pitta. Urdhwag Amlapitta can be correlated with GERD. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases. It is defined on the basis of both esophageal and extra-esophageal symptoms and/or lesions resulting from the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. The sign and symptoms of Urdhwag Amlapitta (GERD) are Avipak (Indigestion), Klama (Tiredness), Utklesha (Nausea), Tikta amla udgar (Sour and bitter Belching), Gaurvata (Heaviness), Hruth Kantha Daha (Heart and Throat Burning), and Aruchi (Anorexia).In the present era, consumption of fast food, junk food, anxiety, and depression are the main causes of Amlapitta.In this clinical study, Eladi churna was used, which is described by Yogratnakar in Amlapitta chikitsa .A total of 70 patients were taken, which were divided into two groups of 35 patients for each group. Group A-Eladi Churna ( Trial)and Group B- Amlapittapinashak yog as a control drug mentioned in Bhaishajyaratnawali. 

Author Biographies

Jagruti Pagare

PG Scholar Post Graduate Department  of Kaychikitsa, Sangam Sevabhavi Trust Ayurved College Sangamner, Ahmednagar District. Maharashtra. India.

Swati Soman

HOD & Professor, Post Graduate Department of Kaychikitsa, Sangam Sevabhavi Trust Ayurved College Sangamner, Ahmednagar District. Maharashtra. India.




How to Cite

Pagare, J., & Soman, S. . (2022). Randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of Eladi churna in the management of urdhwag amlapitta with special reference to GERD. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(3), 792–796. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v13i3.3036



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