Effect of Ayurveda Protocol (Nasya, Pindi, Bidalaka & Anjana) in Intra Ocular Hydrops – A Pilot Study





Inra-ocular Hydrops, IOP, Ocular Hypertension, Ayurveda Protocol, Nasya, Pindi, Bidalaka, Anjana


Normal Intra Ocular Pressure (IOP) ranges from 14 – 21 mm of Hg. Intra-Ocular Hydrops is an asymptomatic condition with raised Intra Ocular Pressure without any visual impairment or comorbidities. Altered Intra Ocular Pressure above / below normal level with associated visual symptoms & optic neuropathy are referred to as glaucoma. Intra Ocular Hydrops population is at greater risk of developing glaucoma. They remain unnoticed and undiagnosed most of the time for a longer duration or advancement of the condition. Early diagnosis and timely management prevent the progression of the disease to Primary Open Angle Glaucoma and other conditions. Proven Ayurvedic treatment modalities are not available for Intra Ocular Hydrops. In such a scenario, considering the multifactorial involvement, an Ayurvedic protocol containing different treatment modalities was developed and its effect was studied. Materials & Methods: 100 patients were screened from the eye Out Patient Department of institute. 10 Patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were enrolled and analysed for results. Ayureda Protocol was administered (Table 1) which included an in Patient Department basis for Nasya, Pindi and Bidalaka for a period of 11 days and Anjana for a period of 30 days. The assessment of Intra Ocular Pressure was done with the help of Goldman’s Applanation Tonometry. The assessment was done on 0th day (BEFORE TREATMENT), 11th day (AT), 26th day (FU1) and 41st day (FU2). Results: For statistical analysis T test was used was used. Within the group, there was a significant reduction of Intra Ocular Pressure with a p-value <0.0001. Conclusion: There was significant reduction in the values of Intra Ocular Pressure and a nearly normal value was achieved as target Intra Ocular Pressure. 

Author Biographies

Arun Das

Consulting Shalakyatantra Specialist – Gurusmarakam Vaidyashala Pampady, Kottayam.

Biradar AB

Associate Professor, Department of Shalakyatantra, KAHER’s Shri BMK Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Shahpur, Belagavi. India. 

Mannur VS

Professor & Head of the Department, Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance KLE College of Pharmacy Belagavi. India. 




How to Cite

Das, A., AB, B., & VS, M. (2023). Effect of Ayurveda Protocol (Nasya, Pindi, Bidalaka & Anjana) in Intra Ocular Hydrops – A Pilot Study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 14(1), 274–280. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v14i1.3352



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