Prospective clinical study to evaluate efficacy of Vasantkusumakar Rasa (Herbomineral preparation) on Psychological health of patients of Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus)


  • Sudarshan Hande
  • Amit Mujumdar
  • Kavita Turambekar Hande
  • Anjali Hingane
  • Smita Dhurde



Madhumeha, Vasantkusumakar Ras, Manas Bhava, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Stress, Diabetes Mellitus


Diabetes Mellitus although a modern terminology it has been known to mankind since long through ancient Ayurvedic treatises with name Prameha (Diabetes). As the incidence & prevalence of DM with complications along with its ill effects on psychological health is growing rapid. Due to Consistent stress blood sugar control becomes difficult. So, to search a drug which may improve psychological health is need of an hour. Vasantkusumakar Rasa is one of such drugs mentioned in Ayurveda compendia as treatment protocol of Prameha (Diabetes) also the one which is reputed for its rejuvenating property. This Herbomineral composition is also known to improve psychological health. Its efficacy to improve psychological state in patients of DM i.e. Madhumeha (DM) is evaluated in this study. Herbomineral compound i.e. Vasantkusumakar Ras 125mg two times a day with Luke warm water before meal for one month to 37 patients in experimental group as a add on therapy in continuation to their standard medicines. In control group 31 patients were continued their regular standard protocol medicines for DM. To study the effect of drug following parameters were analyzed on 0th day and on 30th day of study. Parameters included for study are Blood sugar level, Symptoms of Madhumeha (DM), Manas Bhav (Psychological traits) and psychiatric rating scale. These parameters show significant improvement in experimental group but no such effect was found in Control group.

Author Biographies

Sudarshan Hande

Ph.D. (Scholar), Associate Professor, D. Y. Patil School of Ayurveda, Nerul, Navi Mumbai-400706.

Amit Mujumdar

Professor, B.R. Harne Ayurvedic Medical College & Research Institute, Vangini(W), Taluka-Ambernath, Dist.- Thane, Maharashtra, Pin: 421503.

Kavita Turambekar Hande

Associate Professor, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu.), Worli, Mumbai- 400018.

Anjali Hingane

Associate Professor, CSMSS Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Kanchanwadi, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. India.

Smita Dhurde

Professor, CSMSS Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Kanchanwadi, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. India.   




How to Cite

Hande, S., Mujumdar, A., Turambekar Hande, K., Hingane, A., & Dhurde, S. (2023). Prospective clinical study to evaluate efficacy of Vasantkusumakar Rasa (Herbomineral preparation) on Psychological health of patients of Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus). International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 14(2), 446–452.



Research Articles