A comparative study of Ksharsutra Ligation and Electro-Thermal Cautery in the management of Arsha W. S. R. To Sentinel Piles


  • Anant Kumar V Shekokar
  • Kanchan M Borkar
  • Pradeep Badakh




Kshara Sutra, Cautery, Arshas, Ligation method


The disease Fissure with Sentinel Piles, an Ano-rectal disorder is as old as mankind. Still a large population of the world population is troubled with Fissure with Sentinel Piles which is perhaps due to inconsistency of the human diet and social obligations demanded by civilization .This disease is not generally threat to human life, but causes considerable discomfort, enforced bed rest, absence of mind from work with consequent economic strain, while the long range effects of this disease are induced weakness, which finally saps energy and enthusiasm of the patients.

Ano-rectal disorder is progressively increasing in the society. Few important causes out of which number of them is sedentary life style, irregular diet and physiological disturbances like anxiety and depression.

The present study has been carried out to study the clinical efficacy of ksharsutra and Electro-Thermal cauterization in the management of sentinel pile was aimed. The clinical study was conducted on 60 patients selected randomly and divided into 2 groups based on the procedures for the clinical trial. First group was treated with Ksharsutra ligation. Second group was treated with Electro-Thermal cauterization. The clinical assessment was done on the basis of grading criteria with specific symptology of sentinel pile like Gudapida, Gudadaha, Rakta Srava, Sparshasahatwa, Guda Kandu, Shotha, GudaStrav, Malavasthmbha, Mansanankur .Then mean scores levels of these symptoms before and after the treatment of 2 groups where subject for student ‘t’ test for statistical analysis. The results were statistically and clinically significant not only to cure but also to prevent recurrence of the sentile piles.

Author Biographies

Anant Kumar V Shekokar

Reader and HOD, Department of Shalya Tantra,

S.V.N.H.Ayurved college,rahuri.413706

Maharashtra, India

Kanchan M Borkar

Lecturer, Department of Shalya Tantra,

S.V.N.H.Ayurved college,rahuri.413706

Maharashtra, India

Pradeep Badakh

PG Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra,

S.V.N.H.Ayurved college,rahuri.413706

Maharashtra, India




How to Cite

Shekokar, A. K. V., Borkar, K. M., & Badakh, P. (2013). A comparative study of Ksharsutra Ligation and Electro-Thermal Cautery in the management of Arsha W. S. R. To Sentinel Piles. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 4(3). https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v4i3.359



Research Articles