Research Article

Physicochemical, Preliminary Phytochemical and Powder Microscopical studies of “M-Swadishta Virechana Churna” – An Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation


Venkateshwarlu G*1, Shantha T R1 , Venakata Narasimhaji CH1, Shubhashree M N1,  S.K.Giri1,  Sridhar B N1 , Ramesh Babu D2


*Corresponding author: Assistant Director (Ay.),

National Ayurveda Dietetics Research Institute, GCP Annexe, Ashoka pillar, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560 011.

Email ID:

1.National Ayurveda Dietetics Research Institute,Jayanagar, Bangalore-560 011.

2. Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, Janakpuri,  New Delhi.



Ayurvedic formulation M-Swadista virechana churna is known to be an effective laxative in diseases like Arsha (heamorrhoids), Amasangraha (accumulation of Ama-undigested toxic substance) and Vibandha (constipation). Literature reviews revealed that there are no reports available on the physicochemical standardization & Powder microscopy of   “M-Swadishta virechana churna. Hence, analytical studies have been taken up to derive the Pharmacopoeial standards for quality control. The ayurvedic compound formulation, M-Swadishta virechana churna contains Swarnapatri (Cassia angustifolia), Madhuka (Glycerrhiza glabra) and Ikshu Sarkara (cane sugar- Saccharam officinarum). The present communication deals with the physico chemical, preliminary phyto chemical and chromatographic with powder microscopical studies gave valuable parameters for laying down Pharmacopoeial standards of the compound formulation.


Keywords: Ayurvedic formulation, M-Swadishta virechana churna,  physico chemical, phytochemical studies, chromatographic, powder microscopic studies. Pharmacopoeal standards



Ayurveda is an ancient medical science for the restoration of health and prevention of diseases. Swadista virechana churna is one among the popularly used Ayurvedic compound formulation administered as a laxative in diseases like malavaroda (constipation) , amavruddhi(increase of undigested toxic substance) , shiroruja(headache), arsha (haemorrhoids), raktavikara(blood disorders) , charmaroga (skin diseases), pama(scabies), udara shodanartha (therapeutic purgation) (1).

M-Swadishta Virechana churna is a variant of Swadishta virechana churna containing Swarnapatri (Cassia angustifolia), Madhuka (Glycerrhiza glabra) and Ikshu sarkara (cane sugar- Saccharam officinarum) primarily indicated in arsha(haemorrhoids), aamasangraha (accumulation of undigested toxic substance) and  vibandha(constipation).

The main ingredient of M-Swadishta Virechana churna is Swarnapatri(Cassia angustifolia), also known as senna. The leaves contain flavanols, isorhamnetin, kaempferol, rhein, emodin and anthraquinone glycosides i.e sennosides A, B, C & D, which are laxatives and a popular remedy for constipation because of its stool-softening action and frequently used in Indian systems of medicine (2).

The active component of senna leaves Anthraquinone glycoside molecules are converted by the normal bacteria in the colon into rhein-anthrone, which in turn has two effects. It first stimulates colon activity and thus speeds bowel movements. Second, it increases fluid secretion by the colon.  Together, these actions work to get a sluggish colon functional again. Several controlled studies have confirmed the benefit of  senna in treating constipation (3).

The other ingredient of formulation, Madhuka (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn) is commonly known as liquorice and sweet wood belonging to leguminosae family. The liquorice roots are sweet, refrigerant, tonic, mild laxative, aphrodisiac, haemostatic and an active anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic,  antiulcer and  liver protective herb is widely used Ayurveda. Glycerrhiza glabra Linn contains tri terpene, saponins, flavonoides, polysaccharides, pectines, simple sugars, amino acids, mineral salts and various other substances(4). Glycyrrhizin, a triterpenoid compound accounts for the sweet taste of Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn. roots (Madhuka). The isoflavones, glabridin and hispaglabridines A and B have significant antioxidant activity (5).In vitro studies have demonstrated liquorice isoflavones, hispaglabridines A and B inhibit Fe3+ induced mitochondrial lipid peroxidation in rat liver cells (6).

Another adjuvant ingredient of the compound formulation, Ikshu sarkara (cane sugar- Saccharam officinarum) have the properties of sweet, unctuous, coolant, nourishing, aphrodisiac, mild laxative, antiemetic (7). It offers a host of essential nutrients and minerals, which contains magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron. Cane sugar also have mild laxative action,  thus  helps in  prevent  cancers of colon, prostate and breast cancer and also helps revitalize, energize and hydrate the body (8).

Though, the leaves of Swarnapatri or Senna (Cassia angustifolia) have an excellent laxative quality, but afterwards have a binding effect. It can also cause nausea and griping pains when used alone due to inhibition of water and electrolyte absorption from the large intestine, which increases volume and pressure of the intestinal contents and thus stimulate the colon motility resulting in propulsive contractions (9). However, the adverse effects of the senna can be counter balanced by using Madhuka (Glycerrhiza glabra Linn.) and Ikshu sarkara (Cane sugar- Saccharam officinarum).  


M-Swadishta Virechana churna is a  polyherbal formulation, a variant of Swadishta virechana churna consisting of 3 ingredients viz. Swarnapatri (Cassia angustifolia) and Madhuka (Glycerrhiza glabra) along with Ikshu sarkara (cane sugar- Sacharam officinarum) (Table.1).

The drug sample (batch 313) was procured from “Indian Medical Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.(IMPCL)” Almora, India.

Organoleptic evaluation was used for identification of sensory characteristics powder like colour, odour (smell), touch and taste.

For powder microscopic analysis, about 1 to 3 pinch of the sample was warmed with 2 to 4 drops of chloral hydrate solution, water and little safranin stain and observed under the microscope to identify the diagnostic features of the compound formulation for the presence of different fragments of tissues in curna. It was also observed by putting a pinch of phloroglucinol, 2 drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid and few drops of alcohol for the presence of lignin containing tissues.(10)

Fluorescence analysis of the powder was observed under UV light according to Chase and Pratt et al.(11)

Physico chemical analysis like determination of percentage of moisture content (loss on drying at 105o C ), Ash value, water soluble ash, total insoluble ash in various solvent, sulphated ash, percentage of soluble extractives in methanaol, ethanol & ether. pH of filtrate of 10% w/v aqueous solution was carried out as per methods described in Quality control methods for medicinal plants (WHO, 1998) (12)

TLC studies have been carried out according to Igon Stahlet al.(13) and preliminary phytochemical studies were carried out according to Kokate.C.K et al. (14)

Phyto chemical constituents of the ingredients of M-Swadista virechana curna has been reviewed and preliminary phytochemicals  of the compound formulation have been screened.


Observations and Result

Macroscopic (organoleptic) characters of the powder [Fig.II(1)]

Powder is light green in colour, slightly pleasant odour, smooth and  fine in touch, sweet, & bitter in taste.


Microscopic characters [Fig.II(1a-20)]

The polyherbal powder was treated with chloral hydrate, water & glycerin and microscopical examination was carried out for the presence of following different fragments of tissues.

Ø  Abundant different kinds of tissues like Sclerenchymatous fibers,

Ø  Parenchymatous cells containing Prisms  of Calcium oxalate crystals,

Ø  Unicellular warty trichomes.

Ø  Polygonal epidermal cells in surface view with Paracytic stomata,

Ø  Clusters of calcium oxalate and prism shaped crystals,

Ø  Crystal fibers and   epidermal cells with cuticle, Simple starch grains,

Ø  Groups of lignified fibers, Pitted xylem vessel,

Ø  Epidermal cells and parenchyma cells,thin walled parenchymatous cells,

Ø  Rectangular to polygonal stone cells with broad lumen,

Ø  Pitted xylem vessels, lignified fibers ,

Ø  Thin walled parenchymatous  cells,

Ø  Abundant  Prisms of calcium oxalate crystals.


Physicochemical and Preliminary phytochemical studies

The physicochemical studies were carried out and the observations are given in table3. The test for percentage of moisture content (loss on drying) determines both water and volatile matter. Total ash measures the amount of materials remaining after ignition. Acid insoluble ash measures the amount of silica present especially sand and siliceous matter. Extractive values were examined which are useful for evaluation of nature of chemical constituents present in drug (Table 3).

Active phytochemical constituents in each of the ingredient of the formulation has been  reviewed (Table 2) and Preliminary phytochemical screening of compound formulation was identified through qualitative chemical analysis indicated the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, terpenoids, resins, saponins, steroid and tannins etc. (Table 4).

Fluorescence analysis

The fluorescence behavior of the powdered drug in different solutions towards ordinary light and Ultra Violet light (both long 365nm & short 254nm wavelengths) were observed (Table 5).



Thin Layer Chromatographic studies (TLC)

TLC studies of the chloroform and methanol extract (8:2) was carried out in various solvent systems at 300C using Silica gel GF254 precoated sheets of thickness 2mm. The chloroform and methanol extract (8:2) was found to be the best suitable mobile phase for the extract.

The TLC pattern obtained by the capillary action of mobile phase through the stationary phase. Thin layer chromatography pattern obtained by the methanol extract of curna showed under different light include UV (short&long wave) developed in Iodine chamber gave 10 spots of Rf values (Table 6).




Table 1.  Ingredients of M-Swadista virechana curna   


Botanical name of the ingredient

Sanskrit name

Parts used

Quantity (per 100gm)

Cassia angustifolia Vahl. 



42.3 gm

 Glycerrhiza glabra Linn.



21.16 gm

Saccharam officinarum Linn.

Ikshu sarkara

Cane sugar




Table 2. Phyto chemical constituents of the ingredients of M-Swadista virechana curna  





Parts used

Phytochemical constituents


Cassia angustifolia Vahl.



Anthraquinone glycosides + (i.e.sennosides A,B,C),




Free acids+ ,



Free amino acids+,


Resins +

Tannins+ ,

volatile oil+


 Glycerrhiza glabra Linn.








Volatile oil+

Amino acids+


Glucose and sucrose+

Tannins (traces)+


Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, E.

Minerals: Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, Zn.


Ikshu sarkara

Saccharam officinarum Linn.


Cane sugar

Essential nutrients,


1tsf sugar : 11Calories

Minerals: Mg, P , Ca, K,Fe


Table 3. Physico-chemical studies of M-Swadista virechana curna : -






Loss on drying at 105° c {or }

Moisture content (%)



Water- soluble extractive (%)



Methanol soluble extractive (%)



Ash content (%)  (Total)



Acid- insoluble ash






Ether soluble extractive (%)



Sulphated ash (%)



Ethanol soluble extractive (%)



Particle size (80 mesh)

Moderately fine powder


TLC (observed no.of spots)



Rf Values (calculated)

0.047;0.154;0.369;0.392;0.52;0.61;0.702; 0.809;0.857;0.928


Table 4. Preliminary Phyto chemical constituents of the finished product of  M-Swadista

                virechana curna  



Phytochemical constituent

Methanol extract





























Table 5. Fluorescence analysis


Sample + Reagent

Observation under

Ordinary light

U.V.  Long wave

365 nm

U.V. Short wave

254 nm

Powder as such

Light green

Fluorescent green

Yellowish green

Powder + :



Dark yellow


  1N. HCl

Greenish yellow


Yellowish green

  1N. NaOH (Aq.)

Greenish brown

Brownish yellow

Dark green

  1N NaOH in MeOH

Dark green



  50% KOH


Dark yellow

Dark green

  50% H2SO4

Greenish yellow





  Con. H2SO4


Fluorescent green


  50% HNO3

Light brown


Reddish brown

Yellowish green

  Con. HNO3

Dark brown



  Acetic acid

Yellowish green


Yellowish green

  Iodine water



Deep green



Table 6. TLC Studies





Solvent system

              Rf values

(viewed in iodine chamber)



Silica gel

GF254 precoated sheets

Chloroform: Methanol;


0.047;0.154;0.369;0.392;0.52;0.619;0.702; 0.809;0.857;0.928




Discussion and Conclusion

The sample of M.Swadista virechana churna was found to be light green in colour moderately fine powder with pleasant smell and sweet & bitter in taste. The churna did not show any fungus or objectionable matter when spread out on the petridish. It was observed that the sample passed through 60-mesh sieve and not less than 50% passed through 80-mesh sieve.

Microscopic characterization of powder revealed abundant different kinds of tissues like Sclerenchymatous fibers, parenchymatous cells containing prism shaped and clusters of calcium oxalate crystals, unicellular warty trichomes. It was also observed polygonal epidermal cells in surface view with paracytic stomata, crystal fibers and   simple starch grains and group of lignified fibers, pitted xylem vessels [Fig.II (1a to 20)].

The physicochemical analysis was carried out and observations are presented in table 3. TLC profile of the sample was depicted in table 6 and the chromatogram was observed (fig.1). TLC of methanol extract curve using chloroform: methanol (8:2) w/v shows under UV light (short&long wave) developed in Iodine chamber gave 10 spots of Rf values 0.047;0.154;0.369;0.392;0.52;0.619;0.702; 0.809;0.857;0.928.

Preliminary phytochemical constituents in M-Swadista virechana churna like alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, terpenoids, resins, saponins, steroids and tannins could have pharmacological action on their own or in conjunction with body fluids in terms of efficacy to possibly help the body to reckon with ailments.

The results obtained could be immense useful in laying down the pharmacopoeial standards of M.Swadista virechana churna.



Authors are grateful to the Director General, CCRAS, New Delhi, for providing necessary facilities and convey gratitude to Dr.V.Rama Rao, Dr. Shiddamallayya for the needful assistance. Thanks are also due to Sri Shekara for Laboratory assistance.



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