In-Silico Anti-Diarrhoeal Evaluation of Lagu Gangathara Chooranam


  • Anandhalakshmi D
  • Pavithra A
  • Surya A
  • Nalini Sofia H
  • Vetha Merlin Kumari H
  • Lakshmikantham T
  • Meenakumari R



Molecular docking, Lagu Gangathara Chooranam, Antidiarrhoeal activity, M3 muscarinic Acetylcholine receptor, Siddha


Background: In siddha system of medicine diarrhoea can be compared with kazhichal. Diarrhoea results from several factors like intestinal hyper-motility, malabsorbtion of water, inflammation of GIT or use of laxatives. In siddha literature, the preparation named lagu gangathara chooranam is indicated for kazhichal. Aim: The study aims to perform the in-silico computational studies of phytoconstituents of the siddha formulation lagu gangathara chooranam targeted against m3 muscarinic acetyl choline receptor for anti-diarrhoeal activity. Methods: The retrieved phytocomponents were subjected for docking calculations against target enzyme m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. Results: The computational analysis retrived 11 bio-active compounds from herbal formulation. It includes limonene, α-humulene, cyperolone, lupeol, beta amyrin, betulinic acid, mangiferin, quercetin, caryophyllene and luteolin. These compounds significantly bind against the target  m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. Hence these phytocompounds may produce significant anti-diarrheal activity by hindering the activity of m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in the intestinal region which mediates the diarrhoea. Conclusion: Further clinical trials or experimental studies could be conducted to confirm the effectiveness of this siddha formulation lagu gangathara chooranam against diarrhoea. 

Author Biographies

Anandhalakshmi D

PG scholar, Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Tamil Nadu. India.

Pavithra A

PG scholar, Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Tamil Nadu. India.

Surya A

PG scholar, Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Tamil Nadu. India.

Nalini Sofia H

Associate Professor, Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Tamil Nadu. India.

Vetha Merlin Kumari H

Associate Professor, Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Tamil Nadu. India.

Lakshmikantham T

Associate Professor, Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Tamil Nadu. India.

Meenakumari R

Director, Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Tamil Nadu. India.




How to Cite

D, A., A, P., A, S., H, N. S. ., H, V. M. K., T, L. ., & R, M. (2024). In-Silico Anti-Diarrhoeal Evaluation of Lagu Gangathara Chooranam. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 14(4), 1063–1073.



Research Articles