Integrative Approach on Post COVID-19 and Infertility: A Literature Review


  • Priyanka A Dorage
  • Ashish A Thatere



Janapadodhwansajanya Vyadhi, Jeerna Abhishangaja Jwara, Post COVID-19, Vandhyatva


Introduction: Post COVID-19 Syndrome is term given to multitudinous health impacts that persist more than four weeks after being infected with SARS CoV-2. Viral infections are one of the causative factors which lead to infertility by affecting the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal, gonad axes. Covid-19 can be corelated with Janapadodhwansajanya Vyadhi and Abhishangaja Jvara while Post COVID-19 can be corelated with Jeerna Abhishangaja Jvara. Methodology: Information for present review is compiled from classical texts of Ayurved with commentary and variety of scientific search databases including Google Scholar, NCBI, PubMed and Science Direct by using keywords like Post COVID-19 infertility, Ayurved and Post COVID-19 infertility etc. Articles studied in detail after screening for relevancy to synthesize qualitative review. Result: The result reviewed on semen analysis, Renin angiotensin system, sperm DNA and morphology, cytokine storm, oxidative and mental stress. This review also illustrates the reproductive organ histology related to inflammatory responses, receptors like ACE-2, TMPRSS2 etc., various cases reported like orchitis, irregular menstruation, premature birth, caesarean delivery etc. due to SARSCOV-2 exposure. This showed association between Long COVID and infertility. Discussion: Information discussed are focused on various study conducted on impact of COVID crisis related to various infertility parameters associated with Long COVID. Due to Jirna Avastha of Jvara (~Fever persists after 21 days from onset), Uttarottar Sapta Dhatu Dushti occurs which ultimately can land up in Dushti of Shukra Dhatu, Shukravaha Strotas and Aartavavaha Strotas (~Reproductive system). The integrative approach of Ayurvedic management will be beneficial in such cases.

Author Biographies

Priyanka A Dorage

PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College & Hospital, Nagpur. Maharashtra. India. 

Ashish A Thatere

Guide & Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College & Hospital, Nagpur. Maharashtra. India. 




How to Cite

A Dorage, P., & A Thatere, A. . (2023). Integrative Approach on Post COVID-19 and Infertility: A Literature Review. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 14(3), 635–639.



Review Articles