Qualitative and quantitative analysis of siddha herbal Formulation Kabasura kudineer in various concentrations


  • Punitha D
  • Elansekaran S
  • Sudha Revathy S
  • Ramamurthy M
  • Srinivasan V
  • Gayatri R
  • Christian GJ




Kabasura kudineer, HPTLC fingerprint, TLC fingerprint, UV Spectrometer, Phytochemical, Iyyasuram


Introduction: Siddha system is one of the ancient systems coming practised in southern part of India, North and Eastern parts of Sri Lanka. The Siddha medicines are categorised as Aga marundhugal (Internal Medicine) and Pura marundhugal (External Medicine).One among them is kudineer (Decoction). Kabasura kudineer chooranam (KSK) is a polyherbal formulation and it contains 15 ingredients. It is indicated for Iyyasuram and it used for fever with Respiratory disease. Objective and Methods: To analyse the presents of different phyto constituents, develop HPTLC fingerfrint and quantify the amount of phenols and alkaloids in Kabasura Kudineer prepared at 1/4 (sample A), 1/8 (Sample B) and 1/16 (Sample C) reduction concentrations. Result: Phytochemical analysis of Kabasura Kudineer revealed the presence of alkaloid, phenol, flavonoid and tannin in Sample A, B and C. The Rf value obtained by TLC and HPTLC fingerprint  for Sample A are 0.02, 0.04, 0.79, Sample B is 0.04, 0.80 and Sample C is 0.04, 0.43, 0.051 and 0.71. The amount of Alkaloid present in Sample A, B, C 1.61 ,1.03,1.44  and phenol present in Sample A, B, C 17.62 ,19.71,18.60 Conclusion: The Analytical parameters along with TLC photo documentation, HPTLC fingerprinting profile and UV Spectrophometer in various concentration of Kabasura Kudineeer are different in different reduction concentration ratio. Further specific chemical markers can be quantified using HPTLC and the therapeutic efficacy can be explored in further studies.

Author Biographies

Punitha D

PG scholar, Department of Noi Naadal, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai-47,Tamil Nadu, India.

Elansekaran S

Associate Professor, Department of Noi Naadal, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai-47,Tamil Nadu, India.

Sudha Revathy S

Assistant Professor, Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai-47,Tamil Nadu, India.

Ramamurthy M

Associate Professor, Department of Noi Naadal, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai-47,Tamil Nadu, India.

Srinivasan V

Assistant Professor, Department of Noi Naadal, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai-47,Tamil Nadu, India.

Gayatri R

Assistant Professor, Department of Noi Naadal, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai-47,Tamil Nadu, India.

Christian GJ

Professor, Department of Noi Naadal, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai-47,Tamil Nadu, India.




How to Cite

D, P., S, E., S, S. R., M, R., V, S., R, G., & GJ, C. (2024). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of siddha herbal Formulation Kabasura kudineer in various concentrations. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 14(4), 976–981. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v14i4.4107



Research Articles