Analytical Study of Dashamoolakatu Treyam Kvatha Churna


  • Nicy Wilson W
  • Shailesh Deshpande



Gas Chromatography, Dashamoolakatu Treyam Kvatha Churna, Drug Analysis, Mass Spectrum, α-Copaene, Caryophyllene


Aim: For the purpose of analyzing the active principle in the obtained extracts of the herbs, GC-MS is considered as an important tool. This study includes two techniques where the components is separated by Gas chromatography and the mass spectroscopy does the analysis of the active component. As a part of such an analytical aspect, Dashamoolakayu treyam Kvatha Churna is subjected to GC-MS to study their bioactive compounds. Methodology: 1g of sample was extracted with 10mL of methanol and was filtered through a syringe filter (Nylon 13 mm 0.2um) and injected to GCMS. The components of the oil were identified by comparison of their mass spectra with those of the spectrometer/ mass spectral database using NIST library (NIST -08 SPECTRAL DATA). The identifications were confirmed by comparison of the fragmentation pattern and their retention indices with those reported in the literature. Result: Result shows three peaks with R.T mins as 7.689, 7.964, 8.841 and the compounds are identified are α-Copaene (Tricyclo [,7] dec-3-ene, 1,3-dimethyl- 8- (1-methylethyl)-, stereoisomer), Caryophyllene, Caryophyllene oxide with peak heights as 17768, 104199, 39458 respectively. Discussion: Identified components has antioxidant, Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity and are used in the therapy of inflammatory diseases of the upper airways and also in the management of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of different localization. Conclusion: Thus, this GC-MS study indicates the scientific validation of Dashamoolakatu treyam Kvatha Churna as a potent medicine as claimed by ayurvedic literature and practice.

Author Biographies

Nicy Wilson W

PhD Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat. India.

Shailesh Deshpande

Guide, HOD & Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat. India.




How to Cite

W, N. W., & Deshpande, S. (2024). Analytical Study of Dashamoolakatu Treyam Kvatha Churna. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 14(4), 1099–1105.



Research Articles