In vitro cytotoxicity and apoptosis inducing effect of  Vallarai Kirutham with Rasa Parpam in HeLa Cell Lines


  • Ilakkiya B Gandhi
  • Meenakshi Sundaram M



Cervical cancer, MTT assay, Yoni Putru, Anti cancer activity, AO/EB dual staining, Chemotherapy, Vallarai Nei


Cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells that can affect nearby tissues as well as distant organs. Cervical cancer is predicted to be among the four most prevalent cancers in women overall in 2020, with 342,000 mortality and 604,000 new cases. Around 6-29% of all cancers in women in India are caused by cervical cancer. Women who have had several sexual partners, recurrent abortions, or vaginal deliveries—all of which cause repetitive stress to the cervix are more likely to develop cervical cancer. Radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery are being used to treat cancer. All of these treatments come  with  side effects, which can range in severity and have a serious psychological impact on patients. The Siddha system has a number of accessible herbo mineral formulations for treating cervical cancer. According to Siddha literature (Agasthiyar Vaidhya Rathina Churukkam, 360), the treatment of cervical cancer (yoni puttru) is advised for the Siddha medicine Vallarai Kirutham with Rasa parpam. The goal of this research was to find out this formulation's potential anti-cancer properties using MTT assays on HeLa cell lines. These findings of the current study suggest that the MTT technique's lowest reading for cell viability was 1.26±0.009% at a concentration of 100 µl/ml. This was followed by concentrations of 75 µl/ml, 50µl/ml and 25µl/ml which showed 7.91±0.004%, 23.91 ±0.01% and 37.17± 0.01% similarly, 10 µl/ml shows 52.09±0.01%.The matching IC50 value was discovered to be 12.44% and AO/EB dual staining was used to examine apoptotic activity. The outcomes of in-vitro experiments using the HeLa cell line. According to the outcome of in vitro experiments done on the HeLa cell line, the drug had substantial anti-cancer and therapeutic value in the management of cervical tumours .With a variety of time tested medications the Siddha system has shown outcomes that were clinically important for the management  of cervical carcinoma. One of those medications has to undergo additional testing in patients with cervical cancer through clinical research.

Author Biographies

Ilakkiya B Gandhi

PG Scholar, Department of Kuzhandhai Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai, Tamilnadu. India.

Meenakshi Sundaram M

Professor and HoD, Department of Kuzhandhai Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai, Tamilnadu. India.




How to Cite

Gandhi, I. B., & M, M. S. (2024). In vitro cytotoxicity and apoptosis inducing effect of  Vallarai Kirutham with Rasa Parpam in HeLa Cell Lines . International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(1), 117–121.



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