Preliminary Physicochemical Evaluation of Madhumalini Vasant Ras tablet – An Ayurveda Herbo-mineral Formulation




IUGR, Madhumalini Vasant Ras, High performance thin layer chromatography, Herbo-mineral formulations, Standardization


Introduction: As per WHO reports, 170 WHO member states have been practicing various indigenous traditional medicines. For the global reorganisation of Ayurvedic drugs advanced standardisation techniques may be involved to maintain quality assurance. Madhumalini Vasant Ras (MVR) is a well-known Ayurvedic herbo-mineral formulation used in the treatment of IUGR (Intra Uterine Growth Retardation). This formulation is not mentioned in the Ayurveda Formulary of India and there is no data on the quality standards of MVR available. So in this study, preliminary data on physicochemical analysis along with HPTLC evaluation of Madhumalini vasant Ras is generated. Aim and objective: To evaluate and generate data on the physicochemical parameters of the MVR tablet. Materials and Method: The raw drugs were authenticated by experts of Dravya Guna and Rassastra Bhaishajya Kalpana departments and tablets (125 mg) were prepared at the pharmacy, Parul institute of Ayurveda, Vadodara. Then the physico-chemical parameters and microbial limits were checked and HPTLC analysis was done. Results: While evaluating the physicochemical parameters, the pH value was 4.19, LOD 6.01%, Total ash value 11.54%, Acid insoluble ash 8.70%, water-soluble extractive value was 22.20% w/w, alcohol soluble extractive value was 13.40% w/w, HPTLC at 254 nm and at 366 nm showed five common spots. The Microbiological analysis shows that the formulation is free from microbes. Conclusion: Preliminary data on organoleptic characters, antimicrobial evaluation, various physicochemical parameters and HPTLC of MVR tablet is generated. These data can be used as a standard for future standardization studies.

Author Biographies

Shriniwas Jadhav

PhD Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Prasuti tantra and Stree Roga, PIA, Parul University. Gujarat. India. 

Associate Professor, Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nanded, Maharashtra. India. 

Asokan V

Ph.D. Guide, Department of PG Studies in Prasuti tantra and Stree Roga, PIA, Parul University. Gujarat. India. 

Mahesh S

Research officer, Central Ayurveda Research Institute, CCRAS, Patiala, Punjab. India.




How to Cite

Jadhav, S., V, A., & S, M. (2024). Preliminary Physicochemical Evaluation of Madhumalini Vasant Ras tablet – An Ayurveda Herbo-mineral Formulation. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(2), 370–374.



Research Articles