Evaluation of comparative Efficacy of Jyotishmati and Yastimadhu granules in Enhancing IQ and Memory in Children having different Prakriti –A double blind Randomized Clinical Trial


  • Ibamedabha Japang
  • Renu Rathi
  • Jitesh Verma




Buddhi, Smriti, Medhya dravya, Jyotishmati, Yastimadhu, IQ, Memory


Background: Children with high IQ and memory have lower rates of poverty and dependency. Jyotishmati and Yastimadhu are both Medhya dravya to enhance IQ and memory describe in numerous Ayurveda classical texts. Aim &objectives: To compare the efficacy of Jyotishmati with Yastimadhu on IQ and Memory in children with various Prakriti types. Material & Methods: Total 60 healthy participants are enrolled and randomly divided into 2 equal main groups and 6 subgroups (VataPitta, VataKapha, PittaVata, PittaKapha, KaphaVata, KaphaPitta). Group-J (Intervention group) given Jyotishmati granules and Group-Y (Control group) given Yastimadhu granules both the interventions were administered for 60 days and follow up for 60 days. Observations & Result: While comparing Group J and Group Y, it showed highly significant at follow up in kapha-pitta groups with p<0.001 in IQ and statistically significant with p<0.05 in memory. Discussion: Kapha Pitta Prakriti dominant groups showed significant results in follow-up, because Kapha Prakriti persons are bestowed with Gunas (qualities) like Chirgrahi(slow grasping), Dhritiman (good retaining power) and Smritiman (good memory). Pitta Prakriti persons are Medhavi(sharp grasping) and Nipunmati(good retention power), together with the action of Jyotishmati granules, showed significant dominance over other Prakriti Doshas. Conclusion: The prevalence of low IQ at pre-treatment in Group J was 3.32 % and Group Y was 6.7%. In memory, Group J was 16.7% and Group Y was 10% are on Average memory. Both the groups were 100% improve to Average IQ, and 100% improve to Good memory in Group J but 96.7% in Group Y at post-treatment and follow-up. Jyotishmati and Yastimadhu granules were significant in enhancing IQ and memory.

Author Biographies

Ibamedabha Japang

PG Scholar, Department of Kaumarabhritya, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre, Salod (H), Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Medicine and Research (Deemed to Be University), Sawangi (M), Wardha. India.

Renu Rathi

Professor & HOD, Department of Kaumarabhritya, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre, Salod (H), Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Medicine and Research (Deemed to Be University), Sawangi (M), Wardha. India.

Jitesh Verma

PhD Scholar, Department of Kaumarabhritya, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre, Salod (H), Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Medicine and Research (Deemed to Be University), Sawangi (M), Wardha. India.




How to Cite

Japang, I. ., Rathi, R., & Verma, J. (2024). Evaluation of comparative Efficacy of Jyotishmati and Yastimadhu granules in Enhancing IQ and Memory in Children having different Prakriti –A double blind Randomized Clinical Trial. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(2), 576–583. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v15i2.4456



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