Management of uterine fibroid with Siddha herbomineral formulation Nandhi mezhugu - A Case report


  • Kavitha Tamilarasan Research Officer (Siddha), Siddha Central Research Institute, Chennai. India.
  • Susila Rathinam Research Officer (Siddha), Siddha Central Research Institute, Chennai. India.
  • Akila Balasubramaniyan Research Officer (Siddha), Siddha Clinical Research Unit, Safdarjung Hospital Campus, New Delhi. India.
  • Esaivani Selvarajan Research Officer (Siddha), Siddha Central Research Institute, Chennai. India.
  • Elankani Poovan In-Charge, Siddha Central Research Institute, Chennai. India.
  • Sathiyarajeswaran Parameswaran Assistant Director and Incharge, Siddha Regional Research Institute, Puducherry. India.



Fibroid uterus, Traditional medicine, Natural medicine, Non-surgical method, Nonmalignant uterine tumor, AYUSH


The Siddha system of medicine finds a significant place among the traditional health care systems worldwide. This system offers tremendous clinical outcomes in treating certain disease conditions that are complicated and surgically intervened by contemporary medical systems. Fibroid uterus, which is a pressing global concern, can be well managed with Siddha medicines. The Siddha classical text Siddha vaithya thirattu indicates that the classical herbomineral Siddha formulation - Nandhi Mezhugu for the management of Karuppai vippuruthi (Uterine fibroid). The present case report presents a 48-year-old female with complaints of excessive bleeding in menstrual time (6 to 7 pads\day), dysmenorrhea, feeling of fullness in lower abdomen, frequent urination, low back pain, pain in upper and lower limbs and constipation. She visited the Reproductive and Child Health OPD, Siddha Central Research Institute, Chennai-106, in the month of December 2017. Her ultra-sonogram (USG)-abdomen revealed the confirmatory diagnosis of Uterine fibroid. The patient was treated with Siddha traditional medicine Nandhi mezhugu twice a day with palm jiggery. The treatment consisted of 7 days and a gap of 7 days for a period of 6 Months. During treatment, she was showing signs of improvement in her symptoms of menstrual flow and pelvic pain normalized after 4 months. The follow up USG abdomen revealed the successful outcome with absence of fibroid. The present case report supports the use of traditional herbal medicines in the management of Uterine fibroid. 




How to Cite

Tamilarasan, K., Rathinam, S., Balasubramaniyan, A., Selvarajan, E., Poovan, E., & Parameswaran, S. (2025). Management of uterine fibroid with Siddha herbomineral formulation Nandhi mezhugu - A Case report. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(4), 1122–1124.