A comparative randomised clinical trial of Amrutadi kwath and Vasadi kath in the management of Vatarakta (Gout)


  • Dipashri Kailas Kadam
  • Ravin S Chandak
  • Swati Soman




Ayurveda, Vatarakta, Amrutadi Kwath, Vasadi Kwath, Gout, Serum Uric Acid, ESR


 Vatarakta specially occurs in Madhyavastha which is Parihanikala in which Dhatukshaya takes place. Khavaigunya (Rikta srotas) occurs in Asthi which is responsible for the production of Vatarakta. Vatarakta is a disease related with khavaigunya found in raktavaha strotas which include vitiated vata and rakta, so termed as vatarakta. Due to properties of sukshmatva and saratva of vayu, dravatva and saratva of rakta they spread all over the body. Symptoms of Vatarakta are shool, toda, daha, vaivarnya described by various acharya. Symptoms of Gouty arthritis are similar as of vatarakta Joint pain, Swelling, stiffness, disability and crepitations over small joint. Gouty arthritis is the most common form of arthritis, which occurs in middle age. Amrutadi Kwath and Vasadi Kwath have most of contents are snigdha, guru and mrudu. By virtue of these properties, this alleviates vata and pitta. Hence these are used in diseases which arise due to vitiation of vata and pitta. in vatarakta by its vatapittashamaka prabhav and snigddha, mrudu gunas by vatanulomana kriya. Amrutadi kwath is very effective in relieving the symptoms of vatarakta. Materials and Method: Total 80 patients of the age group 25-60 years presenting with signs and symptoms of vatarakta  were selected randomly from OPD of the department of kayachiktsa. The 40 patients of trial group were treated with Amrutadi kwath and 40 patients of control group were subjected to vasadi kwath. Conclusion: Amrutadi Kwath showing significant results than Vasadi Kwath in symptoms of Vatarakta (Gout).

Author Biographies

Dipashri Kailas Kadam

PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, SST's Ayurved College Sangamner, Maharashtra. India.

Ravin S Chandak

 Principal & PG Guide & Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, SST's Ayurved College Sangamner, Maharashtra. India.

Swati Soman

HOD & Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, SST's Ayurved College Sangamner, Maharashtra. India.




How to Cite

Kadam, D. K., Chandak, R. S. ., & Soman, S. (2024). A comparative randomised clinical trial of Amrutadi kwath and Vasadi kath in the management of Vatarakta (Gout). International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(3), 725–729. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v15i3.4855



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