Efficacy of whole system Ayurveda protocol for rheumatoid arthritis – A case series


  • Mohini H Jamale PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur. India.
  • Jayant D Gulhane Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College, Nagpur. India.
  • Ramraj Singh PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur. India.
  • Rupali Kakade PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur. India.




Rheumatoid Arthritis, Aamavata, Virechan, Vaitaran, Basti, Case series


Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that shows etiological and clinical association with Aamavata, specified by Ayurveda. RA is a component of the medical condition complex, Aamavata. The mainstay of treatment for RA is a class of medications known as DMARDs; however, they have several drawbacks when used in the long term. Drugs with strong efficacy and low toxicity profiles are required to treat this crippling condition. Therefore, the whole system Ayurveda protocol for RA was designed. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the whole system of Ayurveda protocol for rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: Patients attending OPD of the Department of Kayachikitsa, diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis according to the 2010 ACR classification Criteria for RA along with symptoms of Aamavata according to Ayurved. In the present clinical case series, eight patients with RA were diagnosed and recruited, of which four completed the treatment. Deepan-Pachan, Snehapan, Virechan, and Vaitrana Basti with herbomineral drug combination given for 60 days according to the treatment protocol of Aamavata described by Chakradatta. Assessments were done through various clinical measures, like the 2010 ACR classification Criteria, RA factor, ESR, WOMAC score, and Sandhishool with VAS Score. Results: The Ayurved treatment protocol showed a significant reduction in the signs and symptoms of Aamavata, the 2010 ACR Criteria, RA factor, ESR, WOMAC score, and Sandhishool with VAS Score. Conclusion:  The treatment protocol for Aamavata described in the classical text of Ayurved can be effective in Aamavata, which significantly improves the patient's quality of life.




How to Cite

Jamale, M. H., Gulhane, J. D., Singh, R., & Kakade, R. (2025). Efficacy of whole system Ayurveda protocol for rheumatoid arthritis – A case series. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(4), 1152–1157. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v15i4.5015