Efficacy of Ayurvedic Management in Pravruddha Aamvata w.s.r to Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Case Report


  • Priyanka A Dorage PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College & Hospital, Nagpur. India.
  • Ashish A Thatere Guide and Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College & Hospital, Nagpur. India.




Ankylosing Spondylitis, Kala Basti, Vatavyadhi, Gut mucosal barrier, Pravruddha Aamvata


Ankylosing spondylitis(AS) is a form of chronic autoimmune-mediated inflammatory disease of the axial skeleton starting with sacroiliitis. AS in an acute stage can be correlated with Saam Avastha of Vayu i.e. Pravruddha Aamvata while during Niram Avastha, it can be considered as a Vatavyadhi (~vitiated Vata Disorder) i.e., Asthimajjagat Vata (~Aggravation of Vata in bone, bone marrow) along with joints as per symptoms described in classics. A 30-year-old male came to OPD complaining of pain and swelling of the right ankle, stiffness of the spine, inability to walk, fatigue, and anorexia diagnosed as vitiated Vata Disorder. Ayurvedic appetizer, digestive and laxative treatment were administered as the patient came in a State of air element associated with toxic metabolic waste. After achieving a state devoid of Aam pathology, Vata alleviating, strength and bulk-promoting micro channels cleansing and immunomodulatory Ayurvedic drugs were given orally with local Therapeutic Snehana-Swedana and Kala Basti. Clinical symptoms were significantly resolved after the therapy and there was also significant improvement in parameters like Bath indices, Finger to Floor length, ASQoL scale and inflammatory markers. On applying this treatment protocol major pathological abnormalities that occur in AS like gut mucosal barrier disturbance, a higher load of intestinal bacterial peptides, cytokines, erosion of bone, spur formation, and degeneration of disc might have been kept on hold and proper nutrition to affected spines and joints might have been accomplished. In addition to this Ayurvedic management is significantly helpful to overcome certain drawbacks of unestablished modern medicine for this disease.




How to Cite

Dorage, P. A., & Thatere, A. A. (2025). Efficacy of Ayurvedic Management in Pravruddha Aamvata w.s.r to Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Case Report. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(4), 1090–1095. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v15i4.5016