Comparative evaluation of Phalasarpi (medicated ghee) oral administration (paan) versus intrauterine instillation (uttarbasti) in management of anovulatory cyclein fertility (vandhyatva)


  • Swati Suresh Ambekar Ph.D (Scholar), Assistant Professor, Department of Streerog-Prasutitantra, Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurveda & Research Centre, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Deemed to be University, Pimpri, Pune. India.
  • Madhulika D Tiwari Associate Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Dr. D Y Patil College of Ayurveda & Research Centre, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Deemed to be University, Pimpri, Pune. India. 
  • Jayashree S Deshmukh HOD and Professor, (Streerog-Prasutitantra) CSMSS Ayurved College,Chh. Sambhaji Nagar. India.



Uttarbasti, Phalasarpi, Infertility, Vandhyatva, Anovulatory cycle


Anovulatory menstrual cycle is one of major cause of infertility found approximately 40% cases of female infertility. In today’s fast-moving life, causes of infertility vary from faulty food habits, sedentary lifestyle, unstable mental state, depression etc. In contemporary science, ovulation induction is the most advised treatment apart from medications.However, not all causes of anovulation are amenable to treatment by ovulation induction. Thus, research into alternate approaches to treating anovulatory-based infertility is necessary. Ayurveda has included infertility under Vandhayatva. Uttar basti (intrauterine instillation of medicated drugs) and oral medications has been advised and practiced since long for the treatment of vandhatya (infertility). Phalasarpighritis used for the treatment of vandhatya (infertility) as advised by the Acharyas. Here, comparative study for the route of administration of the medicated ghee that is Phalasarpi Oral administration (paan) and Uttarbasti (intra uterine instillation) in infertility due to anovulatory cycle has been done.Methodology: - Two groups, A and B, were randomly selected from a total of sixty patients. Thirty patients from Group B received oral Phalasarpi (Medicated ghee) treatment, while thirty patients from Group A received Phalasarpi (Medicated ghee) intrauterine instillation treatment. Both groups were assessed using the Case Record Form and the results of the investigations.Observations and results were drawn accordingly. It was concluded that between these two,Phalasarpi Uttarbasti (intra uterine instillation) gives better results in increasing menstrual blood flow, endometrial thickness and timely ovulation, as it directly affects receptivity of hormones at local level as compared to the oral administration(paan).

Author Biography

Jayashree S Deshmukh, HOD and Professor, (Streerog-Prasutitantra) CSMSS Ayurved College,Chh. Sambhaji Nagar. India.




How to Cite

Ambekar, S. S., Tiwari, M. D., & Deshmukh, J. S. (2025). Comparative evaluation of Phalasarpi (medicated ghee) oral administration (paan) versus intrauterine instillation (uttarbasti) in management of anovulatory cyclein fertility (vandhyatva) . International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(4), 917–922.



Research Articles