Management of Amavata through kati vasti and matra vasti with Eranda beeja ksheera paka – A single arm open-label trial
Amavata, Rheumatoid arthritis, Eranda PakaAbstract
Introduction: In Amavata, the Vata Dosha is vitiated and Ama accumulates in the sandhi. When ama localises in the body's tissues or joints, it may cause the afflicted joints to experience pain, stiffness, swelling, soreness, and other symptoms. Eranda Paka, a remedy for Amavata that includes Eranda Bija as one of its constituents, has been employed. Materials and Method: Based on the inclusion criteria, a total of 50 patients visited the outpatient department of Krishna Ayurved hospital, Ahmedabad Ayurved hospital, HPC Engineering Co, Krish Engineers, for this study. Individuals with traditional manifestations of Angamarda, Aruchi, Trishna, Hrullasa, Gaurava, Jwara, Shula, Shotha, and so forth were chosen. Results: Eranda paka significantly (p=<0.0001) improved the objective parameters, after the treatment 28% patients were without Angmardana, 30% patients were without Aruchi, 52% patients Trishna condition was normal, 30% patients Hrullasa condition was normal, 20% patients were without jwara, Apaka and Gaurava condition, 24% patients were without Agnimandya and 30% patients Daurbalya condition improved. In addition, after the treatment a significant improvement also reported in ESR, eosinophil and Rh factor. Conclusion: Amavata can be correlated with modern medicine Rheumatic arthritis. Ayurveda explains it as an imbalance of Ama and vata. Eranda Paka significantly improved the both subjective and objective parameter. Along with disease symptoms, a significant improvement reported in biochemical parameter i.e., Rh factor. After the treatment a significant improvement reported Amavata condition.
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