Assessment of Adjuvant Effect of Ethanol Extract of Sadabahar (Vinca rosea Linn.) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management: A Case Series


  • Vaishali Rathod PG scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul University, Limda, Vadodara, Gujarat. India.
  • Shailesh Deshpande Professor and HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul University, Limda, Vadodara, Gujarat. India.



Ayurveda, Anti-diabetic effect, Prameha, Blood sugar, Herbal medicine


Management of Diabetes mellitus (DM) controls hyperglycemia, other aspects of pathology remain untouched. Hence quest for a better remedy that can show multiple actions and correct different aspects of pathology is needed. Whole plant extract and leaf extracts of Sadabahar (Vinca rosea Linn.) show anti-hyperglycemic activity in alloxan-induced diabetic rats by regeneration of β-cells of pancreas. However, this plant has not been evaluated yet in humans. So, this study was designed to check the tolerability and effectiveness of Sadabahar in patients with type II DM (T2DM). Methods: Six cases of T2DM patients with fasting blood sugar level (FBS) between-125 mg/dl to 300 mg/dl and postprandial blood sugar level (PP2BS) between - 140 mg/dl to 500 mg/dl were enrolled. Patients received the drug in three doses- 2 grams per day (gm/day), 3 gm/day, and 5 gm/day in groups A, B, and C respectively for 15 days with their anti-diabetic medicine and a routine lifestyle. Result: The results showed a reduction in FBS and PP2BS in all groups, with Group C showing the most significant improvement. The Baseline FBS values of Group C were 219 mg/dl and 295.8 mg/dl decreased to 165.6 mg/dl and 203 mg/dl, respectively, while PP2BS decreased from 370 mg/dl and 363.4 mg/dl to 284.6 mg/dl and 330 mg/dl. No adverse events were observed. Conclusion: All three doses of Sadabahar lowered blood sugar levels and no adverse event was noted during study time. Among them, 5 gm/day (group C) was the most effective and safe dose in T2DM patients.




How to Cite

Rathod, V., & Deshpande, S. (2025). Assessment of Adjuvant Effect of Ethanol Extract of Sadabahar (Vinca rosea Linn.) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management: A Case Series. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(4), 1131–1135.