An observational study of Consideration of Anguli Pramana in view of the Health Status in the present era


  • Pratibha Visave H.O.D. & Professor, Siddhakala Ayurved College, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India.
  • Deepali Choudhari Principal, B. G. Dere Foundation Ayurved College & Hospital, Karhe, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India.



Anguli pramana, Swa-anguli pramana, Anthropometry, Waist Hip Ratio, Health status


Introduction: Anguli pramana is an age-old technique of human body measurements stated in Ayurveda. Acharyas have mentioned Anguli pramana for various parts of the body. The study aimed at its validation in the present era on the basis of health status. There are so many factors related to the health status of individual. Hence, the present study aimed at health status wise consideration of Anguli pramana. Method: With prior ethical permission, 770 healthy participants of both gender between age group 18-50 years in Ahmednagar and Nashik region were selected. Measurements were taken for selected body parts. The middle finger width of the right hand at proximal interphalangeal joint was used as a unit for Anguli pramana. Collected data analyzed using the student’s t test for inference. Result: On comparison of measured values for selected parameters and the standard values stated by acharya in both genders found statistically different except for few parameters i.e., Pad parinah, Pad vistar and Prakoshṭha ayam. Discussion: The study shows variations in values obtained by Anguli pramana. This could be due to evolutionary changes and lifestyle of a human being. Though the findings are applicable to the selected sample size and selected parameters, the study could further be extended as this is a non-invasive ancient method of anthropometry. Revision of all the values for the present era will definitely serve as an alternative method for prediction of health of human being.




How to Cite

Visave, P., & Choudhari, D. (2025). An observational study of Consideration of Anguli Pramana in view of the Health Status in the present era. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(4), 1048–1056.



Research Articles