Review article
Gairola S*,
Gupta V1, Bansal P2, Maithani M3, Murali
Krishna C4
* Correspondence Author: - School of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Shobhit University, Meerut, India,
Contact no. 09569970553, 09456152753, Email: -;
1. University Centre of Excellence in Research, BFUHS,
Faridkot, India
2. Department of Biochemistry, PGIMER, Chandigarh,
3. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shobhit
University, Meerut, India
4. National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage,
Hyderabad, India
Sanjivani Vati is official in
Ayurvedic formulary of
Keywords: Polyherbal formulation, Diaphoretic, Aama, Vati, Ayurvedha.
Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system
of medicine, is regarded as the most methodical and efficient among all such
systems practiced in different parts of the world. Because of the complexity,
and of adverse effects associated with, the use of chemical drugs, much of the
world’s population is turning toward alternative systems of medicine. The
demand for plant based medicine has increased many folds in both developing and
developed countries (1,2). Description of the
different Ayurvedic formulations in classic texts and the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia are based on observation of properties which
are not well accepted. The World Health Organization is currently emphasizing
quality control of medicinal plant products by use of modern controlled
techniques and use of suitable standards (3). Standardization of Ayurvedic
preparations using advanced techniques for analysis of their constituents is,
therefore, extremely important for establishing their authenticity, credibility,
and acceptance worldwide (4).
Sanjivani Vati is Ayurvedic preparations. These formulations are marketed as solid dosage forms (pills or tablets). Sanjivani literally means “one that infuses life” and helps to strengthen the immune system and Vati means tablet (5). The method of preparation of Vati is that the drug of plant origin are dried and made into fine powders, separately. The mineral are made into bhasma or sindura. In cases where parade and gandhaka, kajjali is made first and other drugs are added, one by one, according to the formula. These are put into a khalva and ground to a soft paste with the prescribed fluids. When the mass is properly ground and is in a condition to be made into pills, sugandha dravyas, Like Kasturi, Karpura, which are included in the formula, are added and ground again. The criterion to determine the final stage of the formulation before making pills is that it should not stick to the fingers when rolled. Pills may be dried in shade or in sun (6). Sanjivani Vati is a diaphoretic formula that increases sweating. It is a detoxifying formula that reduces aama. As a digestive formula it reduces gas. Triphala detoxifies the digestive tract and losses stool. Ginger is a universal digestive aid. The vidhanga fruit is an antihelminthic, diuretic, carminative. It is a typical remeady for common cold with fever (7).
Sanjivani Vati, it is mainly used in treatment of ajirna (dyspepsia), gulma (abdominal lump), visuci (gastro-enteritis), sarpadamsa (snakebite), diarrhoeal (8). The concept of "Aama" helps in understanding the mechanism of action of Sanjivani Vati. "Aama" is the byproduct of faulty metabolism. It is accumulation of endotoxins within the body. The reason according to Ayurveda is low digestive fire. The fire that does not let any metabolite to accumulate is not able to consume them completely. This "Aama" leads to blockage in channels and many diseases like high cholesterol, blocked coronary arteries, piles, auto-immune disorders like sarcoidosis, rheumatoid arthritis and many others.
Vati combats all these as it ignites the digestive fire and helps the body to
just get rid of all the mid-way metabolites from the system (9). Sanjivani Vati
is recommended in dose of one hundred twenty five to five hundred gram three
times a day with honey juice in treatment of typhoid fever in Ayurvedic system
of medicine (10). Sanjivani Vati is used as a classical prescription in
treatment of vishuchika (gastroentereties). This disease is result if three
kinds of ajirna (amaajirna, vidagdhajirna and vishtabdharjirna) are neglected
or improperly treated and is caused only in people who have no self control.
This disease is caused by accumulation of ama-dosha in the body, which in turn
is caused by overeating (11). Sanjivani Vati is prepared by adding vidanga, sunthi,
pippali, haritaki, vibitaki, amalaki, vacha, guduchi, shudha bhallataka, and
shudha vatsnabh in equal quantity with gomutura and then mixed well (8).
Sanjivani Vati, a poly herbal
preparation containing ten ingredients, is prescribed for the treatment of
cough and cold (6). It contains one part each of vidang (Embelia ribes),
sunthi (Zingiber officinalis), pippali (Piper longum), haritaki
(Terminalia chebula), amla (Emblica officinalis), bibhitaka (Terminalia
bellerica), vaca (Acorus calamus), gudduci (Tinosporia cordifolia),
bhallataka (Semicarpus anacardium), and visa (Aconitum heterophyllum)
(12). Sanjivani Vati ingredient contains the main principle constituents of
which are tannins, embelin and piperine (13).
Activity of ingredients of Sanjivani Vati:
1. Embelia
ribes Burm. (Myrsinaceae)
commonly known as Vidanga, is a large woody climbing shrub and is widely
distributed throughout
2. Zingiber officinale Rosc. (Zingiberaceae) commonly named as
Sunthi. The
rhizome part of zinger is used. The plant is widely
cultivated all over
3. Piper longum Linn. (Piperaceae) commonly named as Pippali. It is
considered as a native of south
4. Terminalia chebula Retz (Combretaceae) commonly named as Haritaki,
is an important herbal drug in Ayurvedic pharmacopeia. It is called as the
"king of medicine” because of its extraordinary potential of healing. In
Ayurveda it is thought to destroy all diseases and remove all waste from the
body. At the same time, it is known to help tissue growth and health. It is
found all over
5. Terminalia belerica Roxb (Combretaceae)
commonly known as “belleric myrobalan” and locally as “bahera” is a large
deciduous tree, found throughout central
6. Emblica officinlis Gaertn (Euphorbiaceae) is commonly Known as amlaki, amluki, amla, amlaki . The
pulp contains 5.09 percent total sugars and 5.08 per cent reducing sugars. The
ascorbic acid content is 1,094.53 mg per 100 ml of juice. The tannins and
pectin content of the pulp is 2.73 per cent and 0.59 per cent respectively (150).
Several constituents of E. officinalis fruit has been identified, mainly
the hydrolysable tannins, emblicanin A, emblicanin B,
punigluconin and pedunculagin (151). It
has antidiarrhoea haemorrhage (152), Adaptogenic (153), hepatoprotective (154),
antitumor (155),
hypocholestrolemic (156), antioxidant (157), antiulcerogenic (158),
antipyretic, analgesic, antiviral, antiinflamatory (159), antifungal activity (160),
hypolipidemic activity (161), immunomodulatory,antistress, antimicrobial, anabolic
activity (162), antidiarrhoea (163).
7. Acorus calamus Linn. (Adoraceae) is commonly known as Sweet flag, bach (hindi), vashampu (Tamil), Vasa. Acorus calamus Linn commercially
occurs in both peeled and unpeeled forms. This perennial herb is common on the
banks of streams and in damp marshy places. Apart from the terpenes a few commonly
occurring steroids and xanthones had also been reported in Acorus calamus (164). The rhizome of the plant has medicinal properties
against bugs, moths, lice, emetic (165). It has antimicrobial (166), antiinflammatory
(167), anticancer (168), antischizophrenia (164), insecticidal (169),
immunomodulatory, anticonvulsant, antioxident, anticellular (170), antibacterial
(171), anti-spasmodic, carminative (172), antihelminthic (173), antifungal properties
(174), antiulcer (175), tranqulizer (176), antitumour (177), insecticidal
(178), antianalgesic (179), antiitching (180), antianxiety (181), antispasmodic
(182), neuropharmacological activity (183), antipyretic (184).
8. Tinospora cordifolia (Adoraceae) commonly named as Guduchi is a large, glabrous,
deciduous climbing shrub. It is distributed throughout tropical Indian
subcontinent and
9. Semecarpus anacardium Linn. (Purified) (Anacardiaceae) It is commonly
named as Ballataka, Bhilwa or marking nut. It is a deciduous tree distributed
in the sub-himalayan tract and in tropical parts of
10. Aconitum Ferox L. ( Ranunculaceae). It is
commonly called as Shudha Vatsnabh. It is found in the alpine
Sanjivani Vati possesses significant pharmacological activities. The standardized, Sanjivani Vati preparation has been found to exhibit multifaceted therapeutic effects. Therapeutic efficacy of Sanjivani Vati is extensively used in Ayurvedic System of Medicine has been established through modern testing and evaluation (pre-clinical and clinical trial) in different disease condition.
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