Acute Appendicitis - A Review


  • Anshika Rao
  • Mini KV



Appendix, Appendicitis, FITZ


The term appendicitis was first used by an epic publication by FITZ (Harvard Medical School) in 1886. FITZ outlined the clinical diagnosis and suggested early removal of the Appendix. Acute appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal emergencies worldwide. The cause remains poorly understood, with few advances in the past few decades. To obtain a confident preoperative diagnosis is still a challenge, since the possibility of appendicitis must be entertained in any patient presenting with an acute abdomen. Although biomarkers and imaging are valuable adjuncts to history and examination, their limitations mean that clinical assessment is still the mainstay of diagnosis. A clinical classification is used to stratify management based on simple (non-perforated) and complex (gangrenous or perforated) inflammation, although many patients remain with an equivocal diagnosis, which is one of the most challenging dilemmas. An observed divide in disease course suggests that some cases of simple appendicitis might be self-limiting or respond to antibiotics alone, whereas another type often seems to perforate before the patient reaches hospital. Although the mortality rate is low, postoperative complications are common in complex disease. We discuss existing knowledge in pathogenesis, modern diagnosis, and evolving strategies in management that are leading to stratified care for patients. 

Author Biographies

Anshika Rao

PhD. Scholar Department of Rachana Sharira, Guru Gorakshnath Institute of Medical Sciences, MGUG, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Mini KV

Professor and HOD, Department of Rachana Sharira, Guru Gorakshnath Institute of Medical Sciences, MGUG, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.




How to Cite

Rao, A., & KV, M. . (2024). Acute Appendicitis - A Review. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 15(S1), 164–168.