Preconceptional care in Ayurveda for a healthy mother and child A classical review


  • Anantamati N Bammagol
  • Azizahmad I Arbar
  • Veena K H


Preconception care, congenital anomalies, Garbhadan, healthy baby, Ayurveda, Panchakarma


Motherhood is a divine blessing. The main aim of Ayurveda is maintain the health of the healthy person & cure the disease of diseased. According to Taittareeya Upanishad reproduction is the one of the primary character of the living organism. Preconception care is one such preventive measure to get shreyasi praja, it helps in early identification of high risk factors & prevent the adverse effect of that. Increasing in the incidence of congenital anomalies & prenatal deaths. In such situation Ayurveda can contribute tremendously with the effective Preconception care & Antenatal care which monitors the mother regularly makes the dream come true. For every woman bearing & bringing up a healthy offspring is a joyfull experience.

Incidence of congenital anomalies affect an estimated 1 in 33 infants and result in approximately 3.2 million birth defect-related disabilities every year. An estimated 2,70,000 new-borns die during the first 28 days of life every year from congenital anomalies.

In modern era is challenged with the number of congenital, chromosomal & genetic issues in the newborns. The purificatory & other methodology adopted in the Preconception care in Ayurveda seems to be a great contribution in be getting the healthy progeny.




How to Cite

Bammagol, A. N., Arbar, A. I., & H, V. K. (2015). Preconceptional care in Ayurveda for a healthy mother and child A classical review. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 6(1). Retrieved from