To Explore Ayurvedic Principles of Management of Hridroga


  • Swapnil Patil
  • Parag Deshmukhe
  • Prashant Shirke
  • Smita Lokhande


Hridroga, Ayurveda, Chikkitsa


 In Ayurveda the term ‘Hridroga’ should be considered as integrated aspects regarding various disease aspects related to cardiovascular system. This includes diseases of coronary artery, Myocardial Infarction, Angina Pectoris, Mitral valve disorders etc. &    these diseases also causes of premature death in the present era. Comparatively male sex is more prone to the arterial blockages than female. Hridroga is however accelerated due to   Smoking, Stress, Sugar(Diabetes) Blood Pressure, Faulty Diet  like too much saturated fats, trans fats in the food i.e. consumption of heavy, greasy food, fried items, deep fried potatoes/chips etc. & Alcohol. Coronary artery blockages are caused due to the build-up of the cells, fat and cholesterol which is called as pluck. This causes the lack of supply of blood to the heart muscles & further leads to infarction of cardiac muscles. This shows the symptoms irregular heart rhythm, shortness of the breath, angina, tightness, or pressure in the chest.

 As we think of Ayurveda approach about Hridaya & its Dhamani, these are seat of Rasavaha Strotas & it is also one of the Dashpranayatan. Disease aspect can be co- related to the Laxanas of Rasavaha strotodushti & Amavastha. So the treatment aspect of Hridroga in Ayurveda can be explained as Langhana  ( By  means of fasting), Ushnodakpana (warming up the system), Laghubhojana ( by means of  easy digestion of food,Doshaviparit & Dhatu saman Aahar-Vihar (Life style modification), Sadvrittapalan(Good Cultural Code of Conduct), Mantra & Relaxation therapy, Balardha Vyayama. (Moderate exercise),Kalabhojan (Timely food, sleep & medicines) etc.




How to Cite

Patil, S., Deshmukhe, P., Shirke, P., & Lokhande, S. (2015). To Explore Ayurvedic Principles of Management of Hridroga. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 6(1). Retrieved from