Ayurvedic Modality for Supraja


  • Veena Ajay Patil


Supraja, Ayurvedic principles, panchkarma, garbhini paricharya


Nature has given a great responsibility i.e., “Pregnancy†to human body. Now-a-day due to competitive life, the advance generation desire only one child and willing that their child should be physically, mentally& intellectually stronger than them. Youngster’s possess better management skills for every event. Pregnancy should be by appointment, not by accident. It should be by choice. So for “Su praja†they should follow Ayurvedic principles. But in stressful society couples give more importance to carrier than family and so not paying attention towards proper marital age, sex timing, dincharya & rutucharya. As a result they are more prone to physical & psychological problems. . It is the need of this era to revitalize the ancient methods of health care to incorporate its benefits for the mankind. So let us try to educate them for better new generation. Ayurved takes care of all aspects of human wellbeing. All the classics have mentioned keen descriptions about reproductory age, rutukal, dincharya, rutucharya. Yogabhyas, panchkarma, pranayam, aahar-vihar, aacharrasayan, counseling, meditation, positive thinking& garbhini paricharya i.e., regimen from 1st to 9th month of pregnancy. . It helps to reduce the risk of adverse health effect on women & foetus & risk of hereditary diseases in next generation. This aims easy delivery at proper time, desired healthy child possing all the qualities with long life.




How to Cite

Patil, V. A. (2015). Ayurvedic Modality for Supraja. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 6(1). Retrieved from https://ijam.co.in/index.php/ijam/article/view/6S102015