Role of Dhatryadi Rasakriya Anjana in Refractive errors


  • Anant Shankarrao Bangar


Dhatryadi Rasakriya, Anjana, Tarpana, Ashchyotana, Timir, vata-kaphaghna, lekhana, dhatupushtikar


Ayurveda the science of life deals with not only the treatment of diseases but has shown way of living & prevention of diseases. Now day’s refractive errors are most common presenting feature in ophthalmic practice, though exact modern medicine against refractive errors is yet to be established. At present spectacles, contact lenses, refractive surgery is only treatment with their own hazards.

Ayurveda has mentioned various measures to keep vision normal throughout life in the form of ANJANA, TARPANA, ASHCHYOTANA etc. These measures can be applied in diseased state of eyes. Timira can be correlated with refractive errors. It can be well treated by Anjana karma. Considering contents of dosha-dushya, myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism & presbyopia. [Refractive errors] are vata- kapha dominant in nature so it can be well treated by vata-kaphaghna, lekhana & dhatupushtikar anjana. Dhatryadi Raskriya anjana is one of the best vata- kaphaghna, lekhana, dhatupushtikar anjana described in Charaka chikitsasthana 26th adhyaya. It consists of Dhatri, Saindhava, Pippali, Marich & Honey. Among the refractive errors 30 patients of each myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism & presbyopia were selected, in which Dhatryadi rasakriya anjana was applied. The effect of treatment was seen in each group.




How to Cite

Bangar, A. S. (2015). Role of Dhatryadi Rasakriya Anjana in Refractive errors. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 6(1). Retrieved from