Raktamokshana (Siravyadha) In Vaivarnya – A Case Study


  • Manjiri Walinjkar
  • Anil Avhad
  • Londhe P D
  • Makhare S R


Rakta Dhatu, Varnaprasadan, Vaivarnya, Raktapradoshaja Vyadhi, Raktamokshana, Siravyadha


Skin is the largest organ of the body and constitutes 16% of the body weight. Nowadays drastic changes have occurred due to global warming, unfavorable food regimes, stress, unpredictable weather transitions etc. The vitiated external environment undoubtedly affects the body’s internal ailments. Large community prevalence studies have demonstrated that about 20 -30 % of the world population have various skin problems requiring attention; ‘Vaivarnya’ (discoloration) is one of them. Maintenance of normal skin color is the function of Rakta dhatu.  Acharya Sushruta has mentioned the Varnaprasadana karya of Rakta dhatu.  Acharya Charaka has described Vaivarnya as Shonitpradoshaja Vikara. Hence whenever there is abnormal change in skin color, there must be vitiation of Rakta dhatu. Modern science does not have certain and effective therapy for the Vaivarnya and world is expecting some beneficial and useful remedies from the Ayurveda. The treatment procedures described for Raktapradoshaja Vikara in Ayurveda are Langhan, Virechana and Raktamokshana. Among them Raktamokshana is practiced since ancient era in skin ailments. In the patients having dominancy of pitta dosha or vitiation of rakta dhatu, Raktamokshana gives better results at the earliest. The pilot study assessed the efficacy of Raktamokshana (Siravyadha) in the management of Vaivarnya, carried out on 10 patients of Vaivarnya from OPD and IPD from Dr. M. N. Agashe Hospital, Satara. At the end Raktamokshana (Siravyadha) therapy was found beneficial in the management of Vaivarnya due to its better and effective results and certainty.




How to Cite

Walinjkar, M., Avhad, A., D, L. P., & R, M. S. (2015). Raktamokshana (Siravyadha) In Vaivarnya – A Case Study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 6(1). Retrieved from https://ijam.co.in/index.php/ijam/article/view/6S162015