Study of Shelf Life of Churna According To Modern Pharmaceutical Parameters


  • Vinod Patange
  • Ashwini Dhage


Shelf life, modern pharmaceutical parameters, quality control of churna


Quality control of herbal formulations such as Churna especially for determination of its ‘Shelf life’ is essential in order to assess the quality of the drugs for therapeutic value. According to an estimate of World Health Organization (W.H.O) nearly 80% population of developing countries rely on traditional medicines. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1999 has given a   detail protocol for the standardization of herbal drugs comprising of a single as well as multiple quality control parameters. During the study, Evaluation of five selected churna was done by determination of various parameters like Ash value, moisture contents, extractive values and TLC profile.  It was observed that, total Ash value approximately remains the same. Due to seasonal variation, moisture content increases, which badly affects the shelf life of churna. Water soluble extractive value decreases with time. By determining the TLC profile, it is also concluded that there is a significant loss of the chemical constituents of churna. Further it will be interesting to study the shelf life of churna with the help of advanced analytical techniques such as HPTLC, LC_MS etc.




How to Cite

Patange, V., & Dhage, A. (2015). Study of Shelf Life of Churna According To Modern Pharmaceutical Parameters. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 6(1). Retrieved from