Ayurvedic Management of Asthidhatu kshaya: A Comparative clinical study


  • Vijay P Shingade


Asthidhatu kshaya, tikta dravyas, Amruta, Patola, ksheera pana and vasti


Joint disorders are most commonly occurring in the world and India also. Asthidhatu kshaya has become one of the major health hazard that cripple millions of lives. Age related degeneration in the bone mass, over exercise, vataprakopaka ahara vihara etc are the causes of Asthidhatu kshaya. Asthishoola, sandhishaithilya, srama etc are the symptoms produced due to Asthidhatu kshaya. Charaka and Vagbhata have mentioned ksheera vasti with tikta dravyas to treat asthivaha srotas vyadhis. In this ksheera vasti, Amruta and Patola are used as tikta dravyas. The present study was a open clinical trial. In this study, total 30 patients were taken for the study and divided into 2 equal groups: Group A & Group B. (Group A) - Pana prayoga : Amruta patola ksheerapaka - 160 ml for 45 days. (Group B) -Vasti prayoga: Amruta Patola ksheeravasti - 160 ml for 45 days.

The effect of the therapy was assessed on the basis of changes observed in the subjective and objective parameters. Subjective parameters taken for the assessment were asthishoola, sandhi shaithilyam, srama, sparshasahatwa. The objective parameters taken were assessment of bone mineral density (BMD) and serum calcium. Tests were done on standard parameters, before and after the treatment. It was observed that Amruta Patola ksheera pana and vasti both are effective in Asthidhatu kshaya. But, ksheera vasti was more effective and useful than ksheera pana in Asthidhatu kshaya. The detail scientific data will be discussed in full paper. 




How to Cite

Shingade, V. P. (2015). Ayurvedic Management of Asthidhatu kshaya: A Comparative clinical study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 6(1). Retrieved from https://ijam.co.in/index.php/ijam/article/view/6S222015