Therapeutic Potentials of Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck Benth) – A Review


Review article


Shyamlal Singh Yadav1, M. Jaiswal2, Galib3,  P. K. Prajapati4


1. Ph.D 1st Year Scholar. Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana including Drug Research

2. Lecturer, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, State Ayurvedic College, Lucknow.

3. Asst. Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana including Drug Research.

4. Prof. & Head, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana including Drug Research.


*Corresponding author: Dr. Shyamlal Singh Yadav, Ph.D Scholar, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana Including Drug ResearchIPGT&RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar.

E-mail:, Mob: 09913376548





Albizia lebbeck Benth. is a large, erect, unarmed, deciduous, spreading tree belonging to the family Fabaceae (Formerly Leguminosae), member of the subfamily Mimosaceae. It is found throughout India, ascending to 900m in the Himalayas and also in the islands of Andaman. It contains saponins, macrocyclic alkaloids, phenolic glycosides and flavonoids. In Ayurveda, Albizia lebbeck Benth. is familiar as Shirisha and it has been attributed with properties like Vishaghna (anti-poisonous) and emphasized its efficacy in Visarpa (Erysipelas), Hicca (Hiccup), Shwasa (Breathlessness), Kasa (Cough) etc. Researches of recent past have also reported anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, anti-anaphylactic, anti-asthmatic, anti-microbial properties of the plant. Saponins isolated from the methanolic extract of bark and pod of Albizia lebbeck Benth. have found to possess anti-spermatogenic effect. The current review revealed that, the plant Shirisha has a number of potentials in therapeutic field.     


Keywords: Albizia lebbeck, Shirisha, Vishaghna, Shwasa, Ayurveda.




Albizia lebbeck Benth.(Figure1:a) is a large, erect, unarmed, deciduous, spreading tree belonging to the family Fabaceae (Formerly Leguminosae), member of the subfamily Mimosaceae.(1) It is found throughout India, ascending to 900m in the Himalayas and also in the Andmans.(2) In Hindi, the plant is commonly known as Shirisha. Other Vernacular names are

Sanskrit: Barhapuspha, Bhandi, Kalinga,

English: Parrot tree, East Indian walnut, Fry wood,

Urdu: Darash,

Gujrati: Pilo sarashio,

Telugu: Dirisena,

Kannada: Bage mara,

Tamil: Vagie,

Punjabi: Sareehn,

Marathi:  Chichola, Kala shiras.

The word Albizzia has came from Albizia an Italian naturalist of the eighteenth century.(3) Bark (figure-1d) is dark brown to greenish black, rough, with longitudinal and transverse fissures on outer surface; inner surface whitish with fine longitudinal stations. The sapwood (figure-1b) is white or yellowish white and the heartwood (figure-1b) is dark brown, streaked with dark and white shades. Leaves bipinnate with 8-18 leaflets. Flowers (figure-1c) are stalked, greenish yellow. Flowering and fruiting season starts from April to June. Pods (figure-1e) yellowish brown with 6-10 seeds. Mature pods remain on the tree for long period and are available till May-July. The tree is a good substitute for Teak (Tectona grandis Linn) and Sala (Shorea robusta Gaertn.), The tree is very good nitrogen fixing plant. (4)



Figure 1

a: Whole plant

b: A- Bark, B-Sapwood, C-Heartwood

c: Compound leaf with inflorescence

d: Stembark;

e: Pod


Ayurvedic Pharmacology (Dravya Guna and Karma) of Albizia lebbeck (Shirisha)

Ayurvedic pharmacology is based on biophysical, experiential, inferential and intuitional mechanism. The action of Dravya (substance) is based on five mechanisms of action or attributes of a substance viz. Rasa (taste), Guna (property), Vipaka (metabolites), Virya (potency) and Prabhava (specific action); which have been depicted at Table-1.


Table 1: Ayurvedic Properties of Albizia lebbeck Benth. (5-6)






Tikta, Kasaya,

Madhura, Katu

Laghu, Tikshna,




Tridosha shamaka, Vishaghna


Table 2: Karma (Pharmacodynamics) and Prayoga (uses) of Shirisha.




Visarpaghna  (Anti-Erysipelas)

Shosha, Kasa, Vrana, Visha

Bhavaprakash Nighantu (7)

Vishahara (Anti-Poisonous)

Pama, Kushtha, Kandu, Twakdosh

Raja Nighantu (8)

Raktastambhana (styptic), Balya (tonic)

Arsha, shopha, visarpa, bhagna

Shodhala Nighantu (9)

Tridosha shamana, Varnya

Kustha, Kandu, Shwasa, Kasa, Vrana.

Kayaideva Nighantu(10)

Tridosha shamana, Varnya

Kustha, kandu, Shwasha, Kasa, Twaka dosha.

Dhanvantari Nighantu (11)

Vishaghna,(anti-poisonous), Vedana sthapana (analgesic)

Hicca, Shwasa, Visarpa, Sarpa Visha

Charaka Samhita (12)

Shiro virechana, Vishahara, Pitta nashana

Kustha, Arsha, Ashmari, Visha 

Susruta Samhita (13)


Therapeutic attributes of Shirisha in classics

Albizia lebbeck Benth has been attributed as par-excellence drug in cases of Visha(12). Its bark is used as Lepa (external medicament) in erysipelas.(14) Albizia lebbeck Benth. Seed is used in Ardhavabhedaka and Unmada in the form of Nasya.(15)  Swarasa of Shirisha Pushpa is indicated in Sarpa visha (snake bite) with Sobhanjana (Moringa olifera)(16) and useful in  Hicca, Shwasa along with Pippli (Piper longum) and Maddhu(17). Panchshirisha Agada, a preparation of 5 parts of Albizia lebbeck Benth. is recommended in the treatment of all types of poisonings.(18) Amrita Ghrita(19), Gandhahasti Agada(20), Maha Gandhahasti Agada(21) and Shirisharishta(22) are few compound formulations with Shirisha as a component, which have been indicated in cases of Visha.


Pharmacological properties of various parts of Shirisha in different dosage forms in Brihatrayi:

1.      Charaka Samhita

Part used

Dosage form




Beeja (Seed)

Shiro virechana (Nasya)

Shiraha shoola, Ardhavabhedaka, Kushtha

Ch. Su. 2/5

Nasya /Anjana


Ch. Chi. 9/64-65



Ch. Chi. 14/53


Shiro roga

Ch. Chi. 26/184

Nasya / Pana / Anjana

Luta Visha

Ch. Chi. 23/200


Twak (Bark)



Ch. Su. 3/28



Ch. Chi. 7/96

Siddharthakadi yoga (lepa)


Ch. Chi. 9/70



Ch. Chi. 21/84



Ch. Chi. 23/242

Mulaka taila

Pleeharoga / Shwasa / Kasa

Ch. Chi. 28/172


Pushpa  (Flower)


Hikka / Shwasa

Ch. Chi 17/114



Ch. Chi 21/90-91



Ch. Chi 23/52

Mrita Sanjivani Agada


Ch. Chi. 23/54

Nasya / Pana / Anjana


Ch. Chi. 23/193

Gandhahasti Agada


Ch. Chi. 23/71


Phala (Fruit)

Lepa / Nasya / Pana


Ch. Chi. 23/53


Medhaka Visha

Ch. Chi 23/209


Panchanga (Whole Plant)

Pana / Lepa


Ch. Chi 23/218

Maha Gadhahasti Agada


Ch. Chi. 23/78


Patra (Leaf)

Swarasa (Nasya)


Ch. Chi 23/49



(Heart wood)



Ch. Su. 25/49
















Tvag dosha

Ch. Su. 3/29

Maha Kashaya


Ch. Su. 4/16

Maha Kashaya

Vedana Sthapana

Ch. Su. 4/47

Agrya dravya


Ch. Su. 25/40

Kashaya Skanda


Ch. Vi. 8/144

Shiro Virechana


Ch. Vi. 8/151

Churna (Lepa)


Ch. Sha. 8/32


Pittaja Prameha

Ch. Chi. 6/31

Churna (Lepa)

Tvaga dosha, Dadru

Ch. Su. 3/4

*** Part used is not mentioned in the classic.


2.      Sushruta Samhita


Beeja (Seed)



Su. Kalp. 1/50


Netra Vikara

Su. U. 12/28


Puspa (Flower)


Netra Vikara

Su. U. 12/16, 12/31

Banshagatwadi agada(lepa,nasya,)

Luta visha

Su. Kalp 5/79


Phala (Fruit)

Shiro virechana


Su. Su. 39/6



Shu. Su. 37/33



Su. Chi. 6/12


Panchanga (Whole plant)



Su. Kalp 5/81




Pittaja Ashmari

Su. Chi. 7/11


Dadru Nashaka

Su. Chi. 9/14

Vajrak taila

Nadi Vrana

Su. Chi. 9/54

Maha Vajrak Taila


Su. Chi. 9/59


Hasti meha

Su. Chi. 11/9

Dhanwantari Ghrita

Prameha Pidaka

Su. Chi. 11/5


Shirah Shoola

Su. Kalp. 1/36



Su. Su. 38/12



Su. Kalp. 2/45


Sarpa Visha

Su. Kalp 5/18

*** Part used is not mentioned in the classic.


3.      Asthanga Hridaya


Beeja (Seed)

Mukha Lepa


A H Su 22/19



A H Chi 8/24


Puspa (Flower)


Netra Vikara

A H U 11/44


Netra Vikara

A H U 15/31



A H Chi 4/32



A H Chi 18/16


Twak (Bark)



A H Chi 19/63

Vajraka Taila


A H Chi 19/79


Patra (Leaf)



A H Su 17/13




Shirah shula

A H Chi 20/26



A H Chi 11/23


*** Part used is not mentioned in the classic.


Ethanobotanical, folk and tribal uses of Albizia lebbeck Benth:

Albizia lebbeck Benth. has a long history of use in Indian traditional medicine, particularly for the treatment of Asthma and allergic disorders. Seeds are astringent and have values in piles and diarrhea.

Bark has been used in Ayurveda for the treatment of bronchial asthma, leprosy, eczema, pruritus, paralysis, gum inflammation, anti-inflammatory agent and worm infestation.(23-27) Though, all the parts of the plant are prescribed in the treatment venomous bites; no part of the plant has antidotal value against either snake or scorpion.(28)


Phytochemical Study:

Leaf contains saponins, tanins and Two new tri-O-glycoside flavonols: kaempferol and quercetin3-O-α-rhamnopyranosyl (1’6)-α-glucopyranosyl (1’6)-α-galacto pyranosides.(29-30) Pods contains 3’,5 dihydroxy4’,7 dimethoxy flavone and N-benzoyl L Phenyl alaninol(30). The beans of the plants contain albiginc acid- a new triterpenoid sapogenin(31). Plant bark contain two saponin known as libbekenin A & B, Three Saponin albiziasaponins A, B and C.(32-34) Condensed tannins (7-11%) & d- catechin, libbecacidin, isomers of leucocyanidin, friedellin-3-one, acacic acid, Echinocystic acid and β- sitosterol. A saponin - lebbekenin C, on acid hydrolysis yielded echinocystic acid, glucose and rhamnose.(35-37) The heartwood contains Melanoxetin, d-pinitol, okanin & leucopelangonidin, a stereoisomer (-) melacacidin (7,8,3’,4’- tetrahedroxyflavan-3,4-diol), lebbecacidin, two new compounds 2,3-cis-3,4-cis-3,Ω-methyl-melacacidin and 3’-O-methylmelonoxetin-isolated from heartwood(38). Root Saponin characterized as echynocystic acid-3-0-L-rhamnopyranosyl (1→5)- β- D-xylofuranolsyl (1→4)- β-D-glucopyranoside.(39-40) Flower contains Triterpene, saponin, lebbekanin, saponin glycosides, and crocetin  lebbekanin-D,F,G&H, the flower on steam distillation gave 4.3% colorless sweet smelling oil and the residue gave lupiol.(41)


Analysis of seed (42):

Seeds are rich in proteins and can be included in animal diets.

Crude fibers                         -4.2%

Nitrogen free extract            -45.3%

Crude protein                       -39.5%

Ether extract                                    - 6.8%

Total ash                               -4.2% 

Moisture                               - 8.2%

Pentose                                 -16.9%

Water soluble gum               -2.3%

Oil                                        -5.3%


Analysis of heartwood (43):

Ether extract                        - 0.96%

Hot water extract                 -14.4%

Lignin                                   -22.0%

Holocellulose                       -76.9%

α-cellulose                            -45.60%


Analysis of leaves (44-45): Leaves are palatable, nutritious and can be used as fodder.

Dry matter                      -36.8 to 44.2%

Crude protein                 -20.1to 21.1%

Ether extract                  -8.5 to 16.0%

Crude fibers                   - 16.7 to 19.0%

Total ash                         -10.1 to 10.4%

Total carbohydrate         -52.5 to 61.3%

Calcium                          -3.6 to 4.3%

Phosphorus                     -0.03 to 0.04%


Pharmacological contrive:

1.      Anti-asthmatic activity: Clinical studies of stem bark decoction reported significant decrease in WBC, eosinophilic count, ESR, and 56% marked improvement (46). Shrisharista was given in 48 cases of bronchial asthma at a dose 40 ml per day for one month. The result indicated that 36.59% patients got mild improvement, 43.90% patients got moderate improvement and 7.32% patients got marked improvement.(47) Shireeshadi Ghana Vati in a dose of 1 gm QID with water provided 40% showed marked improvement and 20% mild improvement in cases of Bronchial Asthma. No adverse reactions were reported.(48) Decoction of the flower in the dose of 50mg/kg body weight has significant action against histamine induced bronchospasm. The activity could be due to smooth muscle relaxation.(49)

2.      Effect on anaphylactic shock: The decoction of the bark had a significant cromoglycate like action on the mast cells of albino rats. Studies indicate the anti-anaphylactic activity is due to inhibition of the synthesis antibodies and suppression of T-lymphocytes activity.(50) The crude extract of the seeds and a pure saponin fraction at a dose of 0.5 mg/ml had exhibited stabilizing effect on the mast cells in the mesentery and peritoneal fluid of rats subjected to anaphylaxis.(51)  

3.      Pulmonary eosinophilia: Preliminary screening in 35 cases of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia treated with extracts of Shirisha pushpa in a dose of 200 mg twice a day with water indicated 82% marked response, 12% good response and 6% poor response. No Adverse Effects were reported in the study.(52)

4.      Anti-tussive activity: Shirishavaleha exhibited anti-tussive activity on sulphur dioxide induced cough in experimental animals. Result indicated significantly decreased cough episodes in comparison to control group.(53)

5.      Allergic conjunctivitis: In a comparative clinical study, Ghana satva of Shirisha bark and Shirisha Churna capsules showed encouraging results in all kinds of allergic conjunctivitis.(54)

6.      Anti-fertility activity: Methanolic extract of pod of Shirisha shown anti-sprematogenic activity by reduction in spermatocyte & spermatogonia count, reduction in sperm density & sperm motility and decreased size of testes, epididymis, and seminal vesicle and prostrate in male rats.(55)  Oral administration of isolated saponin from bark of Shirisha in the dose of 50mg / kg body weight in male rats resulted in a significant decrease in weight of testes, epididymis, seminal vesicle & ventral prostate. No significant changes could be observed in hematological and biochemical parameters as well.(56) Saponins obtained from seeds at dose of 200 mg/kg inhibited copper-induced ovulation in 60% of rabbits and caused marked reduction in average number of bleeding points in the ovaries.(57)  The ethanolic extract of pods and root at a concentration of 2% as well as the saponins, lebbekanin-E exhibited spermicidal activity in rats and human semen.(58-60)

7.      Anti-diarrheal activity: Aqueous and methanolic extracts of Shirisha exhibited activity against E. coli & Salmonella species. While Petroleum ether & hexane extracts did not exhibit any activity. None of the extracts showed activity against Shigella & Candida sp.(61) It has also been shown moderate activity against V. cholerae, A.hydrophilis  and B. subutilis.(62)

8.      Antimicrobial activity: The Glycosides isolated from the stem bark exhibited antimicrobial activity against staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Trichophyton rubrum.(63)

9.      Anti-inflammatory activity: Methanol extract of bark at the dose of 400mg/kg inhibited 36.68% (p<0.001) of edema at the end of 4 hr.(64) Anti-inflammatory effect of Shirishavaleha has been reported significant at the end of 6 hours (60.14%, p<0.05) in comparison to control group (35.55%).(65) Aller-7, a botanical formulation of Albizia lebbeck Benth. along with six other plants  exhibited potent activity against different inflammatory responses because of mast cell stabilization, lipoxygenase inhibition, hyaluronidase inhibition in number of in vitro models tested.(66)

10.   Analgesic activity: The peripheral analgesic activity of Shirisha was measured by the acetic acid induced writhing test. The bark extract at 400mg/kg dose showed significant (p<0.001) reduction in the number of writhes with 52.4% of inhibition.(67)  The central analgesic activity of the plant material was studied by measuring the drug induced changes in the sensitivity of the pre screened (Reaction time 2-4 sec) mice to heat stress applied to their tails by using a medicraft Analgesiometer-N (D’Amour and Smith 1941). The crude extract produced 61.48%(p<0.001) elongation of tail flicking time 30 min after oral dose of 400mg/kg. The plant extract showed prolonged stress tolerance capacity in the mice, indicating the possible involvement of higher centres.(68) The bark administered in a dose of 250mg/kg i.p. showed analgesic activity being less than that of novalgin.(69)

11.  Cognitive behavior and Anti-anxiety Study: Saponins containing n-butanolic fraction extracted from dried leaves inhibited baclofen-induced hypothermia and passivity in amnesic mice. The studies showed that n-butanolic fraction possesses anxiolytic activity and nootropic activity.(70-71)

12.  Immunomodulatory activity: Shirishavaleha prepared from Twak (Bark) and Sara (Heartwood) has shown significant immunomodulatory activity with Heartwood in comparison to Bark.(72)



The plant has been attributed with a number of activities in the classics. The multi-dimensional activities have been revalidated in recent times on several experimental models and even in well designed clinical trials. The review reveals anti-anaphylactic, anti- asthmatic, anti-diarrheal, anti-spermatogenic, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic etc. activities of the plant in different forms. No study (of pre-clinical or clinical stages) reported any Adverse Reaction with the usage of the plant in crude form; which reveals the safety aspects of the plant.



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